Adhesive dressings, sterile, individually wrapped - small
Adhesive dressings, sterile, individually wrapped - large
Antiseptic/Wound Care/Irrigation, Saline, sterile, 30ml
Bandage shears, 19cm stainless steel
Bandage shears, 15cm stainless steel
Combine dressing, sterile, 20cm x 10cm
Conforming bandage, 5cm x 1.8m unstretched
Conforming bandage, 7.5cm x 1.8m unstretched
Cotton gauze swabs (3 per pack), sterile, 7.5cm x 7.5cm
Emergency blanket, 2.1m x 1.6m in zip lock bag
First Aid Booklet (includes notepad)
Hydro gel, sterile, 3.5g sachet
Hypo allergenic adhesive tape, 25mm wide roll
Ice Pack (instant), one use only
Nitrile gloves (1 in CPR kit)
Non-adherent wound dressing, sterile 5cm x 5cm
Non-adherent wound dressing, sterile 7.5cm x 10cm
Non-adherent wound dressing, sterile 10cm x 10cm
Pressure bandage, SMART bandage, heavy duty, 10cm x 2m
Pressure bandage, medium weight, 10cm x 1.8m
Resuscitation face mask, disposable, incl1 pair of gloves and 1 skin cleaning wipe (in CPR kit)
Skin cleaning wipes, with cetrimide (1 in CPR kit)
Snake / Funnel-web bite instruction card
Splinter probes (5 per pack), sterile
Triangular bandage, 96cm x 96cm x 136cm
Tweezers, rust resistant with tip guard, stainless steel
Wound closures (3 per pack), sterile
Wound dressing, No.14 medium sterile
Wound dressing, No.15 medium sterile