I have bought this item to replace one that was in one of my survival first aid Kits.
When I first got my kits I wondered how useful a blanket that fitted such a small ziplock bag could possibly be - and then I came across an RTA and there was someone on the road who was going into shock and was complaining that the suddenly felt very cold - I remembered this tiny package and thought oh well it will be better than nothing!
I should have had more faith, after all for a company with such a good name for a quality product cutting corners wouldn’t seem right - opening that tiny bag was like opening the door of a Tardis - I couldn’t believe what came out, it was gratefully accepted. I stayed with the young lady until help arrived and she thanked me saying how much better she felt when I put it over her.
Thank you for providing such first class equipment. Once I received this order my kit was complete again.